Dalam pembukaan UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 yang dilaksanakan secara virtual pada Kamis, 9 Desember 2021 turut hadir memberikan sambutan yaitu Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir, Menteri Koperasi dan UKM Teten Masduki. Hadir juga Komisaris Utama BRI Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, dan Direktur Utama BRI Sunarso.
The Opening Ceremony of UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 which was held virtually on Thursday, 9 December 2021 was attended and given the opening speech by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Minister of State Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir, Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises Teten Masduki.
Also present President Commissioner of BRI Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, and President Director of BRI Sunarso.
Also present President Commissioner of BRI Kartika Wirjoatmodjo, and President Director of BRI Sunarso.
Tahun ini untuk pertama kalinya UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 tampil penuh secara virtual. Virtual Exhibition menghadirkan 7 paviliun yaitu: Home Decor & Craft Pavilion, Food & Beverages Pavilion, Accessories & Beauty Pavilion, Fashion Pavilion, Foyer, Lounge & Main Stage, dan BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) Gallery. Selain itu terdapat 5 destinasi wisata seperti Raja Ampat, Borobudur, Toba, Ubud (Bali), dan Tanjung Kelayang (Belitung). Keseluruhan virtual expo ini pun dibungkus dengan apik menggunakan konsep Thematical Outdoor. Semua fitur hanya bisa diakses publik melalui website www.brilianpreneur. com. Sepanjang pameran dari tanggal 9-16 Desember 2021, website www. brilianpreneur.com tercatat berhasil menarik sebanyak lebih dari 160.000 pengunjung dan lebih dari 560.000 pageviews.
This year, for the first time, UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 presented fully virtual. This virtual exhibition presented 7 pavilions: Home Decor & Craft Pavilion, Food & Beverages Pavilion, Accessories & Beauty Pavilion, Fashion Pavilion, Foyer, Lounge & Main Stage, and 4 BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) Gallery. Beside that in the outdoor areat, there were also 5 tourist destinations such as Raja Ampat, Borobudur, Toba, Ubud (Bali), and Tanjung Kelayang (Belitung). All in all packed mesmerizingly in Thematical Outdoor concept. All the features only were accessible by the public through the www.brilianpreneur.com. During the exhibition from 9-16 December 2021, the website successfully attracted more than 160.000 visitors and more than 560.000 pageviews.

Program Business Matching secara khusus mempertemukan buyer Internasional dengan UMKM dari seluruh Indonesia. Berkat konsep virtual, kesempatan para pelaku UMKM untuk bertemu buyer dari berbagai negara di dunia semakin luas dan melampaui batasan jarak. Para buyer dapat memenuhi undangan kunjungan Business Matching dengan melakukan registrasi melalui website, memilih UMKM, dan kemudian melakukan janji temu virtual dengan UMKM sesuai dengan tanggal dan waktu yang telah disepakati. Tercatat dari total 110 buyers dari 31 negara, terjadi penandatanganan commitment deal sebanyak 72,13 juta Dollar AS.
The Business Matching program specifically brought together international buyers with MSMEs throughout Indonesia. Because of the virtual concept, the opportunities for MSME actors to meet buyers from various countries in the world are wider and beyond the distance limit. Buyers accepted the invitation to visit Business Matching by registering on the website, selected MSMEs, and then made virtual appointments with MSMEs according to the agreed date and time. From a total of 110 buyers from 31 countries, commitment deals were made with a total value of 72.13 million US dollars.

UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 berupaya untuk membantu UMKM Indonesia naik kelas. Salah satu bentuk kegiatannya adalah dengan memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan agar UMKM go digital dengan berjualan pada market place yang diawali dengan pendaftaran hingga on boarding. Kemudian, 500 UMKM tersebut ditampilkan pada marketplace Shopee dan Padi UMKM. Dari Bazaar Online tersebut, tercatat nilai transaksi hingga lebih dari 10 miliar rupiah.
The UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 attempted to support MSMEs from all over Indonesia to level up by nurturing them through training and mentoring programs. By assisting them from registration step to on-board step, hopefully these 500 MSMEs would be able to go digital by going on board in market places such as Shopee and Padi UMKM. There was a total transaction of more than 10 billion recorded.

Pada UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021, BRI juga melaksanakan Coaching Clinic sebagai upaya untuk untuk mengasah dan memberi bekal pelaku UMKM dalam meningkatkan mutu dan kapasitas produk. Untuk mendukung hal tersebut, UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 menghadirkan beberapa ahli dan sosok terkenal pelaku UMKM yang berpengalaman di bidangnya. Para ahli tersebut memberikan dukungan dalam bentuk bimbingan dan pengetahuan teknis berbagai hal di dalam mengelola dan memasarkan produk UMKM.
UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 provided a coaching clinic as an effort to hone and equip MSMEs to improve their product quality and capacity. To support that, UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 presented experts and well-known figures of MSMEs. They provided guidance and technical knowledge of various things in managing and marketing MSME products.

Salah satu rangkaian program UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 adalah lelang hasil karya kolaborasi desainer dan UMKM . Hasil karya kolaborasi ini dilelang pada website www.brilianpreneur. com selama 7 hari pada 9-15 Desember 2021. Sepuluh karya tersebut yang dibuka dengan harga open bid yang dimulai dari Rp 1.000.000,- ini berhasil mengumpulkan Rp 100.000.000,-. Hasil lelang ini didonasikan ke yayasan yang menaungi UMKM, yaitu Sahabat UMKM.
The auction of the collaboration of designers and MSMEs was one of the UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 programs . The works of this collaborative were auctioned on www. brilianpreneur.com for 7 days from 9 to 15 December 2021. These 10 artworks were launched with an open bid price starting from Rp 1.000.000,- which then successfully obtained Rp 100.000.000,-. It was donated to the foundation whose mission is to nurture MSMEs, Sahabat UMKM.
Special Performances pun dihadirkan untuk memeriahkan UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021. Tidak hanya dalam bentuk atraksi tarian kontemporer, grup musik RAN pun dipilih sebagai suguhan di pembukaan. Adapun Maliq & D’Essentials dipilih untuk mengiringi program Fashion Show produk UMKM. Sedangkan untuk Closing Ceremony, Andmesh dan Tari Tujuh Rumpun yang merepresentasikan seluruh UMKM di Indonesia bersatu dan maju dipersembahkan.
Special Performances were also presented to enliven the UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021. Not only contemporary dances, the music group RAN was chosen to perform at the opening while Maliq & D'Essentials was picked to accompany a fashion show by MSME products. As for the Closing Ceremony, Andmesh and Tari Tujuh Rumpun, a dance which represented MSMEs all over Indonesia to level up were performed.

Pada akhir rangkaian acara UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021, penganugerahan UMKM Awards diberikan kepada UMKM pilihan berprestasi sebagai bentuk apresiasi dan penghargaan sekaligus selebrasi kepada para pelaku UMKM Indonesia. Gelaran yang diadakan pada 16 Desember 2021 tersebut menghadirkan sejumlah kategori, yakni Top Deals in Business Matching, Best Newcomer in Business Matching, The Highest Business Matching Activity, The Highest Deal Commitment, Best Expo, dan UMKM Favorite (on Social Media).
At the end of the UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021, UMKM Awards were given to selected and excelled MSMEs as a token of appreciation as well as a celebration towards Indonesian MSMEs. The event, which was held on December 16, 2021, presented a number of categories: Top Deals in Business Matching, Best Newcomer in Business Matching, The Highest Business Matching Activity, The Highest Deal Commitment, Best Expo, and Favourite MSME (on Social Media).

Inspiration Talk adalah salah satu kegiatan UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 yang bertujuan untuk menginspirasi para pelaku UMKM melalui topik yang menarik dan cara penyampaian yang original
Inspiration Talk programs is one of the programs at the UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 to inspire MSMEs through interesting topics and original delivery.

Untuk kegiatan podcast pada UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021, para selebriti dan pelaku UMKM membahas tentang insight-insight terkini
For the UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 podcast program, celebrities and MSME actors discussed trending insights

Program lainnya di UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 adalah Virtual Trip Nusantara. Program ini dibuat untuk mengajak masyarakat Indonesia menikmati destinasi pilihan Indonesia secara virtual. Lokasi yang menjadi fokus virtual trip ini berada di Mandalika yang temasuk bagian dari 10 Bali Baru. Menghadirkan Marischka Prudence dan Serafhina sebagai host, kita semua diajak untuk mengunjungi destinasi wisata yang sedang ramai dibicarakan publik seperti Bukit Merese, Pantai Tanjung Aan, Pantai Tanjung Bongo, Gili Nanggu, Gili Kedis, dan Desa Adat Sade Suku Sasak.
Another program at UMKM EXPO(RT) BRI UMKM EXPO(RT) 2021 is the Virtual Trip. This program was made to invite people of Indonesia to enjoy selected destinations in Indonesia virtually. Highlighted locations in this virtual trip was in Mandalika which is part of 10 New Bali. Presenting Marischka Prudence and Serafhina as the hosts, we were all invited to visit tourist destinations that were trending such as Merese Hill, Tanjung Aan Beach, Tanjung Bongo Beach, Gili Nanggu, Gili Kedis, and the Sade Traditional Village of the Sasak Tribe

Sebagai upaya untuk mendukung kapasitas UMKM, BRI pun menyuguhkan program berupa video edukasi yang dapat diakses di kanal YouTube BRI. Yuk Berkreasi merupakan suatu kegiatan virtual untuk mengajak UMKM berkreasi di rumah masing-masing dengan support dari mentor-mentor terkenal di bidangnya.
As an effort to support MSMEs’ capacity, BRI also presented education videos that can be accessed on BRI's YouTube channel. Yuk Berkreasi was a virtual program to invite MSMEs crafting various things at their homes with support from well-known experts.

Untuk mendukung UMKM di masa pandemi, program Live Shopping diadakan untuk mempromosikan lebih jauh produk UMKM kepada masyarakat sehingga harapannya dapat meningkatkan penjualan. Program Live Shopping yang dieksekusi di market place Shopee ini dimeriahkan dengan artis ternama seperti Indy Barends dan Patricia Gouw. Selama sesi ini berlangsung, program menarik seperti kejutan harga dan diskon spesial pun dihadirkan untuk menarik publik.
To support MSMEs during the pandemic, the Live Shopping program was held to further promote MSME products to the public to increase sales. The Live Shopping program, which was executed at the Shopee marketplace, was enlivened by well-known artists such as Indy Barends and Patricia Gouw. During this session, interesting programs such as special prices and discounts were also presented to attract the public.